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感谢你对申请bet9官网app下载bet9九州app下载感兴趣! AEI接受符合录取标准的学生:

  • • Students must be high school graduate or the age of 17 or older (adult age according to Georgia law)
  • • literate at entry level
  • • Satisfactory placement test
  • • Financial capability
  • •提供网站本节中详细列出的所有所需文件.

  • •所有在线学生都需要提交照片1.D. (e.g. 驾照、身份证、护照等.) Please click to view Online Technical Requirements.


All Students

1. Complete the application.
申请可以在线、亲自或打印完成 以传真或邮寄的方式递交. 如有,请与学校联系 如有任何问题或需要申请材料,请邮寄或传真. 在线应用程序通过单击启动 here.

2. Make an Initial Payment
首付款取决于你所申请的课程. It includes tuition 一个为期八周的课程加上申请费(如适用). Tutoring students must 支付最低注册期限的费用. 如果你正在申请考试准备 , please note that students must test out of AEI’s seven (7) level Intensive English Program. 请参阅项目和课程的进一步先决条件.可通过点击在线付款 here.

3. 安排一次分班测试和培训.
所有学生都必须参加分班考试, 请参阅总办公室的迎新时间表. The test takes approximately one hour and a half and includes listening/speaking, grammar and writing. 结果通常会在第二天公布. If there are any questions or concerns about level placement, students should schedule a meeting 与教务长沟通,教务长将根据学校政策进行处理.


The school is able to assist AEI students who have lost their student status (A student must 在档案被终止的学校复职). The student must interview with the school to explain the circumstances surrounding the loss of status. If the student’s case is reasonable, the school will support an application for reinstatement.

1. Required documentation
• AEI application
• New I-20 from AEI
•所有以前学校的i -20和正式成绩单复印件
• Copies of visa and passport
• Original I-94
• Complete I-539 Form
• Sponsor’s letter (notarized)

2. Requirements
• An application for reinstatement must be completed and received by the USCIS 在失去身份的五个月内.
• Time is of the essence. 学生在处理申请时不能有任何延误 application for reinstatement.
• Evidence of eligibility.

3. 具体标准和程序请与学校联系.
• You can contact the school by calling 770-455-9226 or 1-770-455-9226 or by emailing us here.


1. Required documentation:
• Application only.

2. In addition to the normal application, tutoring students need to complete a 辅导计划表,说明目标和首选日期和时间.

3. Once the application, initial payment, and set-up sheet are received, the school will set up a tutor and tutoring schedule that meets the needs of each student. This normally takes two to three days, but sometimes longer if there are special requirements. 所有日程安排完成后,学校将通过电话确认开学日期 has been completed.

要了解更多关于辅导的信息,请点击 here and select the Tutoring tab.

International Students

The Atlanta English Institute (AEI) is certified by the Federal Government to enroll non-immigrant students. 也就是说,AEI可以发行SEVIS i -20. (ATL214F01554000)

General Procedure
1. Please consult the application instructions if you have questions about completing the 申请,或随时与学校联系.

2. Once your completed application, required documentation (see below) and the Initial Payment are received, the school will produce required documentation within five business days. 这些文件至少包括一份官方信件 Acceptance and the I-20.

3. 被美国学生签证拒签的学生.S. government may apply for a tuition refund. Please see school policies ( Refunds and Withdrawal Policy) for eligibility requirements.

1. 学校签发I-20所需的文件
  • • AEI Application
  • • Copy of passport
  • •财务文件(必须包括I-20上的总费用).

At least one of the following:
  • • Current bank statement
  • •经济担保书(I-134,美国担保人)(公证)
  • • Sponsor’s letter (notarized)

2. After processing your application, the school will normally send a completed I-20 and 其他学校文件通过国际DHL直接寄给学生. (Alternatively, a student representative or agent may pick up the I-20 and take it directly to the student.) DHL delivery normally takes approximately 5–7 business days, depending on the destination.

3. Apply to the U.S. 学生(F-1)签证大使馆和相关面试. The school strongly recommends that prospective students carefully research the process of applying for a student visa. 为了你的帮助,我们开发了我们希望的东西 会有一份名为“签证提示”的有用文件吗. 除了任何大使馆的申请 来自海外的潜在学生必须支付350美元的I-901 SEVIS费用. (This is 是政府收费,与AEI申请费不同).

4. 签证通过后请立即通知学校. After you arrive in the United States, please bring the following documents to the school: passport, I-94, visa, original I-20. (学校将复印并将原件交回学生.)

5. Please also contact the school as soon as possible after your arrival in the United States 为了安排分班考试和新生培训.

6. Please let the school know immediately if your United Stated address or other contact 信息与原始应用程序不同.

Transfer Students
1. 签发I-20所需的文件
• AEI Application
• Copy of the previous, valid I-20
• Copy of visa, passport, and I-94
•财务文件(必须包括I-20上的总费用). At least one of the following:
• Current bank statement
• Sponsor’s letter (notarized)

2. F1 students applying to AEI from another SEVIS approved school must first notify their current school that they intend to transfer.

3. 完成学校申请并支付首付款.

4. Complete the top portion of AEI’s Transfer Form and give this to your current school. Students are responsible for making sure this form is returned to AEI in a timely fashion.

5. Normally, your current school will also require a formal Letter of Acceptance from the Atlanta English Institute.

6. Once AEI receives a completed application and approved Transfer Form, the student’s SEVIS 记录将从其当前学校转移到AEI. AEI将制造一架新的I-20. 学生在开始上课后有15天的时间来签署他或她的新I-20.

7. Please note that transfers between SEVIS-approved schools do not require government approval. Your signed, new I-20 from AEI is official USCIS documentation regarding your transfer.

8. Once your transfer is complete, please schedule an appointment to take your placement test 尽早在你的开始日期之前. 在某些情况下,例如在半场开始时 可能需要尽早进行分班考试.

9. Important note: Transfer students should make sure their transfer period and start date at AEI为两所院校所接受.

Change of Status
The school is able to assist prospective students who are in the United States on other visas to change to student status. (E.g.从B1/B2或J签证到F-1学生签证.)

1. 学校签发I-20所需的文件
• Application
• Copy of visa, passport, and I-94 (including those of dependents; if applicable)

At least one of the following:
• Current bank statement
• Sponsor’s letter (notarized)

2. B1/B2 students may not begin a full course of study until their change of status is approved. J1 and other visa holders may begin study immediately upon submission of their change of status application.

3. The school recommends (though it is not necessary) that the student retain the services of an 律师处理身份变更申请. 可根据要求提供转介.

4. 具体标准和程序请与学校联系.

5. B1/B2 Visa holders: Please schedule a placement test appointment immediately after approval. Other Visa holders (e.g. (签证):请在申请时预约分班考试.

6. Prospective students applying for a change of status must pay a $350 I-901 SEVIS fee. (这是一项政府费用,与AEI申请费是分开的).

7. Please contact the school immediately when your change of status is approved. 另外,将批准通知带到学校. (The school will make copies 并将原件退还给学生).

8. Students approved for a change of status must begin class within two weeks from the date of approval.

9. 同时,请尽早安排一个迎新时间.

10. If your address or other contact information has changed from your original 申请时,请立即通知学校.


Native Speakers

An additional reason students choose AEI is that they want instructors who are native speakers without an accent.

我们的学生从美国老师那里学习美式英语. Other credentials and requirements include a relevant college degree and TESOL Certification in teaching English as a Second Language – knowing how to communicate in a way that will help students learn quickly and with the most productivity. The majority of our faculty members hold advanced degrees and ESL certifications.

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